So today was my last day of school. Well for the Fall semester that is!!
I was so happy to be done. Finals were over today and now it's time for Winter Break! Yay
Three weeks of break and then it's time for the Spring Semester.
I'm really looking foward to Spring Semester because I'm Assitant Arts Editor for my school's newspaper.
I'm so happy I get to be that. I love my school's newspaper!! Yay :]
You guys should check out the online issue!! I'll post the link up :]
Anyways so last day of school today, time to relax, sleep in, hang out with friends, and enjoy the festivities.
I hope all of you are having a lovely day!!
What'd you guys do today?? Was it any of your guys' last day of school today???
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Fall Semester is Over!!
Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 2:59 PM