Friday, April 16, 2010
Indie Photoshoot

Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 9:58 PM
Lisa Love
Hey Loves,
So I met Lisa Love the west coast editor of Teen Vogue at JACC, which I went to last week. I still need to blog about that and put up some pictures of JACC so you can all see how it was like. I loved it, it was such an amazing experience, and it was very nice meeting Lisa Love and listening to her talk. She actually has a very unique story on how she got into the business and becoming the west coast editor of Teen Vogue. She was also very nice and humble which I liked a lot.
I love reading a lot of fashion magazines, especially Vogue and Teen Vogue are my favorite so I was very excited that I got to meet her.
Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 9:48 PM
Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Easter
Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 7:43 PM
Cowboy casanova
Hello Lovelies!
I absolutely adore cowboy hats! They're not only pretty but can add an extra touch to any outfit. Hats are like an accessory, you add it to your outfit and it adds more to it, instead of having just a plain simple outfit on you add a hat or some accessories and BAM! it changes the entire look.
I love this shoot. I think it looks so classy and elegant.
Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 7:34 PM
Beyond wonderland
Posted by TheMatchaBunny at 7:29 PM